
Good Or God

Main Theme

Good Or God by John Bevere explores the difference between living a good life and living a life that is fully aligned with God’s will and purpose. The main theme of the book is the distinction between the cultural definition of “good” and the biblical definition of what it means to be truly good in the eyes of God.

Bevere argues that many people have settled for a comfortable, self-centered version of Christianity that emphasizes personal happiness and success, rather than seeking to fully submit to God’s will and live a life that is truly good in His eyes. He encourages readers to examine their own lives and motivations, and to seek to align themselves more fully with God’s will and purpose, even if it requires sacrifice and discomfort.

Overall, the book is a call to pursue a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God, and to live a life that is truly good in His eyes, rather than settling for a superficial or worldly version of goodness.

What are the top 3 concepts that the book discusses?

There are several important concepts discussed in the book Good Or God by John Bevere, but here are three of the most significant:

  1. The difference between good and God: Bevere argues that there is a fundamental distinction between what our culture considers to be “good” and what it means to truly live in alignment with God’s will and purpose. He contends that many Christians have settled for a comfortable, self-centered version of faith that focuses on personal happiness and success rather than fully submitting to God’s will.
  2. The importance of discernment: Throughout the book, Bevere emphasizes the importance of discernment - the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and deception. He argues that in order to truly align ourselves with God’s will, we must be able to recognize and resist the many forms of deception that can lead us astray.
  3. The cost of discipleship: Finally, Good Or God challenges readers to consider the cost of following Jesus. Bevere argues that true discipleship requires sacrifice and a willingness to embrace discomfort and even suffering. He encourages readers to examine their own lives and motivations, and to seek to align themselves more fully with God’s will, even if it requires giving up personal comfort or security.
The difference between good and God

The “Good or God” concept, which is the central theme of John Bevere’s book, refers to the distinction between what the world considers to be good and what it means to truly live in alignment with God’s will and purpose. According to Bevere, many Christians have settled for a comfortable, self-centered version of faith that focuses on personal happiness and success rather than fully submitting to God’s will.

Bevere points out that our culture often defines “good” as anything that is beneficial to us or that makes us feel good. We are conditioned to pursue happiness, success, and pleasure above all else, even if it means compromising our values or disobeying God’s commands. But Bevere argues that this kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed, and that it leads us away from the path that God has set for us.

Instead, Bevere encourages readers to seek a deeper understanding of what it means to truly align ourselves with God’s will. He emphasizes the importance of obedience, humility, and surrender, and calls on readers to be willing to sacrifice their own desires and ambitions in order to follow God’s plan for their lives.

Bevere also emphasizes the importance of discernment in this context. He argues that we must be able to recognize and resist the many forms of deception that can lead us astray, including false teachings, worldly values, and even our own selfish desires. By staying grounded in God’s word and seeking His guidance in all things, we can learn to distinguish between what is merely good and what is truly of God.

Ultimately, the “Good or God” concept challenges us to examine our own lives and motivations, and to ask ourselves whether we are truly living in alignment with God’s will or simply pursuing our own definition of what is good. By embracing God’s plan for our lives and seeking to live in His truth and grace, we can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose that transcends the fleeting pleasures of this world.

The importance of discernment

The second concept in Good or God by John Bevere is the importance of discernment. Discernment refers to the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and deception, and to make wise choices based on God’s guidance.

Bevere argues that in today’s world, there are many false teachings and misleading ideas that can lead us astray from God’s truth. He contends that the enemy, Satan, often uses deception to lead us away from God’s will, and that we must be vigilant in our efforts to discern truth from lies.

To develop discernment, Bevere suggests that we must first cultivate a deep relationship with God. This involves spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking God’s guidance in all things. By staying grounded in God’s word and seeking His guidance, we can develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading and learn to recognize His voice.

Bevere also emphasizes the importance of testing everything against God’s word. He encourages readers to study the Bible diligently and to compare any teaching or idea against the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. This involves questioning our own assumptions and challenging popular cultural ideas that may conflict with biblical truth.

Finally, Bevere calls on us to be willing to take action based on our discernment. He argues that it’s not enough to simply recognize the truth - we must also be willing to act on it, even if it means going against popular opinion or risking our own comfort or security.

Overall, the concept of discernment is critical to living a life that is truly aligned with God’s will. By seeking to cultivate a deep relationship with God, testing everything against His word, and being willing to act on our discernment, we can learn to distinguish between truth and deception and stay on the path that God has set for us.

The cost of discipleship

The third concept in Good or God by John Bevere is the cost of discipleship. This concept challenges us to consider the personal cost of following Jesus and the sacrifices that may be required in order to fully align ourselves with God’s will and purpose.

Bevere argues that many Christians have settled for a comfortable, self-centered version of faith that prioritizes personal happiness and success above all else. But he contends that true discipleship requires us to be willing to embrace discomfort and even suffering in order to follow Jesus and fulfill God’s plan for our lives.

Bevere draws on many examples from the Bible to illustrate the cost of discipleship. He points to the story of the rich young ruler who was unwilling to give up his possessions to follow Jesus, and the apostles who faced persecution and even death for their faith. He also highlights the example of Jesus Himself, who willingly gave up His own life for the sake of His followers.

In order to fully embrace the cost of discipleship, Bevere suggests that we must first recognize the value of what we are pursuing. He argues that the rewards of following Jesus - including eternal life and a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment - are far greater than anything the world has to offer.

Bevere also emphasizes the importance of surrender and obedience in this context. He contends that we must be willing to lay down our own desires and ambitions in order to follow God’s plan for our lives, even if it means giving up our comfort or security.

Ultimately, the concept of the cost of discipleship challenges us to examine our own lives and consider whether we are truly willing to follow Jesus, even if it means embracing discomfort or suffering. By recognizing the value of what we are pursuing and being willing to surrender our own desires to God’s will, we can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose in our lives.

How can a person apply the information in this book to live a better life?

There are several ways that a person can apply the information in Good or God by John Bevere to live a better life:

  1. Seek a deeper understanding of God’s will: The book emphasizes the importance of understanding God’s will and purpose for our lives. By spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking God’s guidance, we can develop a deeper understanding of what it means to fully align ourselves with God’s will.

  2. Practice discernment: Discernment is a critical skill that can help us distinguish between truth and deception, and make wise choices based on God’s guidance. By studying the Bible diligently, questioning our own assumptions, and testing everything against God’s word, we can develop our discernment and make better decisions in our daily lives.

  3. Embrace sacrifice: The concept of the cost of discipleship challenges us to be willing to embrace discomfort and even suffering in order to follow Jesus and fulfill God’s plan for our lives. By being willing to lay down our own desires and ambitions, we can experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives.

  4. Pursue humility: The book emphasizes the importance of humility as a key component of living a life that is fully aligned with God’s will. By recognizing our own limitations and weaknesses, and being willing to submit to God’s guidance, we can avoid the pitfalls of pride and self-centeredness.

  5. Be willing to take action: Ultimately, the book challenges us to be willing to act on our faith and follow Jesus, even if it means going against popular opinion or risking our own comfort or security. By being bold and courageous in our faith, we can experience the fullness of God’s blessings and live a better, more purposeful life.

By applying these principles in our daily lives, we can experience a deeper sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy as we seek to fully align ourselves with God’s will and purpose.

What is a reason that a person might want to read this book?

One reason a person might want to read Good or God by John Bevere is to deepen their understanding of what it means to truly live in alignment with God’s will and purpose. The book challenges readers to examine their own lives and motivations, and to consider whether they are truly pursuing a life that is pleasing to God, or simply settling for a superficial or worldly version of goodness.

For those who are seeking to deepen their relationship with God and live a more purposeful, meaningful life, Good or God can provide valuable insights and guidance. The book emphasizes the importance of discernment, sacrifice, and humility, and encourages readers to be willing to embrace discomfort and even suffering in order to follow Jesus.

Additionally, the book can be helpful for those who may be struggling with questions of faith or who are seeking to overcome doubts or fears. By examining the biblical principles of good and God, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the truth of God’s word and the path that He has set for their lives.

Overall, Good or God is a thought-provoking and challenging book that can be valuable for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God and live a more purposeful, fulfilling life.

Similar books to this book?

Here are three similar books to Good or God by John Bevere:

  1. The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer - This classic Christian book explores the idea of pursuing a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Like Good or God, it challenges readers to examine their own lives and motivations, and to seek to fully align themselves with God’s will and purpose.

  2. Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt - This book challenges readers to consider the cost of discipleship and the sacrifices that may be required in order to follow Jesus. Like Good or God, it emphasizes the importance of surrender and obedience to God’s will, even if it means going against cultural norms or personal comfort.

  3. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - This influential book explores the fundamental principles of Christianity and offers insights into how to live a life that is pleasing to God. Like Good or God, it challenges readers to examine their own beliefs and to seek a deeper understanding of God’s will and purpose.

Tags that apply to this book

christianity, faith, discipleship, obedience, discernment, sacrifice, humility, personal growth, spiritual development, truth

Full citation of this book

Bevere, John. Good or God?: Why Good Without God Isn’t Enough. Messenger International, 2015.